Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I don't even know how to start this one. I'm not even sure I know what it's about at this stage.

People knock a lot of social networking sites, especially twitter. You talk to a world of people who don't know you and probably don't care about your daily life. That's what they say; the critics. But as my great friend always reminds me; Nobody ever made a statue of a critic.

But I guess that is not the point here.

I have a facebook account, you have to be my friend to see anything on there. I have a Twitter account. That one, the world can see. The world can read everything we say, I should know, on more than a few occasions my tweets have landed me on the pages of the Times newspaper.

But that, I guess, is also not the point here.

Yes, it's a forum to randomly talk to the world and most of your friends follow you and vice versa. Often, strangers start to follow you and sometimes you follow them back. No-one thinks much of it at the time, if you're being honest you are probably more worried about the ratio between how many people you follow and how many people follow you. Actual interest is secondary to the weird popularity contest taking place. High school repeated within cyberspace.

But that too is not the point

Every now and then you do actually develop some form of friendship with people and you embark on the journey of their lives. This person on the opposite end of the world becomes a part of your daily life and you invest in theirs.

This happened with me and someone I now consider an unknown friend. She can be funny, she can be sweet and she is supportive of me and my tweets. Recently she was brave enough to share with the world her personal plight and then, without asking for pity, decided to do something about it. Not only for her, but for all those in her position. She was fighting the fight against cancer and was willing to cycle a distance that I can't comprehend in order to make a difference.

Today, the unthinkable happened. When I read on that 'silly social site' that her love had died, I was speechless; still am. I don't know what to even type next, I just know that this is where I've reached the point of this rambling.

Take it for what you will.

I am so sorry to this new, unknown friend. My thoughts are with you even though we have never met.

Anyone else who is reading this, please click on this site: http://www.firstgiving.com/believabelles

This unbelievable woman is still going to cycle for other peoples loved ones.

And don't ever think that your rambling on some social network is pointless or that there aren't those out there reading, feeling and passing your message on...